Postharvest management of agricultural produce presents a considerable difficulty in developing countries like Nigeria. Staple crops of economic importance, including rice, wheat, cowpea, maize, and wheat, are prone to losses, primarily owing to insect pests at storage. The current study assessed the use and determinants of adoption of Purdue Improve Crop Storage bag (PICS) Technology among grain merchants in Dawanau market, Kano state. Multi-stage sampling techniques were used for the study. A total of 80 merchants were sampled. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, logistic model and garrets ranking techniques. The result revealed that the merchants are above economically active age, with household size beyond the national average and quit years of experience. Also, the result shows that majority (95%) are aware of PICS bag. The determinants of PICS bag technology indicated that age, household size, membership and extension contact are statistically significant in the adoption with R-square value of 0.45. The result further indicates that 46% of the merchants had never utilized the PICS bag technology due to the high cost of the technology. Garret ranking indicates inadequate finance and high cost of the PICS bag as the major constrained to the adoption and used of PICS bag technology among the merchants. The study, therefore, recommends that the government at all levels should play an important role by subsidizing or offering financial incentives to lower the cost of PICS bags. Additionally, NSPRI should create a feedback system where merchants can share their experiences, challenges, and suggestions regarding PICS bags. Lastly, targeted awareness campaigns should be initiated to inform merchants about the advantages of using PICS bags, particularly their effectiveness in reducing post-harvest losses.

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