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Author Guidelines

Instructions for the Full Paper

 The Southeast Asian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences (SAJAAS) is the official research journal of Bulacan Agricultural State College. This journal is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal.

  1. For the Paper Format, the article should be typed on a letter size bond paper (8.5 by 11 inches), with 1-inch margins on top, right, bottom, and left. The text should be in Arial font size 11 with 1.15 line spacing. Downloadable templates for title page and blind copy can be accessed at Downloadable Paper Template. Papers may be submitted through the SAJAAS Website or via email to
  2. The Title Page contains the title of the article and the name and affiliation of the author/s. The name of the author/s or their affiliations shall not be indicated anywhere in the body of the paper.
  3. The Blind Copy contains the Abstract and Body including the figures, tables, and references. It should not exceed 16 pages and 6000 word limit.
    • The Abstract should be a paragraph that concisely informs the reader about the research topic, its objectives, methods used, key findings, and implications. It must contain up to 250 words only and must not contain undefined abbreviations. It must be in one paragraph only. Below the abstract are the list of up to five keywords in alphabetical order about the paper, to be used for indexing purposes. Above the abstract should be the title of the article. The abstract page should only contain the title, abstract and keywords.
    • The body of the article should contain the following sections:
      • The Introduction should help the reader understand how the study shall contribute to the current knowledge in the subject area. This section should clearly describe the problem or gaps in the current related research findings and the literature it addresses. It should also justify the significance of conducting this study leading to the statement of the purpose and objectives of the study.
      • The Materials and Methods section should be clearly and concisely written. This section should provide enough information for a competent researcher to repeat the procedure and verify the results. This section identifies the type of research design used, sources and materials employed and important characteristics, sampling procedure, data collection techniques/ tools, time periods, study setting, as well as procedures for assessment of data. Statistical tests used must be cited and should specify the data analyzed. Authors should use the System International (SI) for the units. In case of use of machine, equipment, or supplies with trade names, use the generic name and write between parentheses the trade name with ®, manufacturer and the manufacturer’s address of city, state and country. The trade name, if cannot be avoided, must be used only in the Materials and Methods section of the paper.
      • The Results and Discussion section should present a solution to the problem stated in the introduction. Subsections should make reading easier. If tables and figures are used to visually show the results, only the critical data should be restated in the text to emphasize evidence on which the conclusions are based. The data should also be interpreted in this section.
        • The Tables should carry a brief descriptive title that is no longer than 15 words, placed under the table number, and a legend or any footnotes appearing below the table. Tables should be self-explanatory and must replace lengthy explanations in the text that may not suffice without a table. In the body of the table, references to footnotes should be written in numerals. Each footnote should begin on a new line. To indicate significant differences among means within a row or column, superscript lowercase letters should be used. Tables must be strictly limited in numbers and contain only the essential data. Long and complicated tables should be avoided. Use horizontal lines table header and last column only and do not use vertical lines between columns. Do not cut tables in between pages if possible and fit their size to the window. The table text should be in font size of 11 with single spacing following the format of the sample table below.
        • When using Quotations, if the text or interview consists fewer than 40 words, incorporate it into the text within the paragraph and enclose it with double quotation marks (“”). If the direct quotations are stated in vernacular language, it should be italicized. Then, it will be followed by the English translation enclosed in parentheses. If the quotation consists more than 40 words, use block quotation instead of enclosing it with double quotation marks. Introduce the quotation using a different paragraph line stating the authors name and ending it with a colon (:).
        • The Figures and Illustrations should be simple, few and labelled completely. Figures should be prepared at final size for reproduction with a minimum type size of 9 points, Arial. The numbering of the figures will be dependent on the chronology of citation within the text. To direct the reader to the figure within the text, spell it out, i.e. “Figure 1”. All symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters used to identify parts of the illustrations should be explained in the legends. Where necessary, magnification should be shown by a scale marker drawn on the photograph. Figures should be saved as separate electronic files (.jpg) and submitted in .jpg format at least 300 dpi.
      • The Conclusion section presents the answers to the research questions or objectives of the study. The author may highlight here what he/she can conclude from the key findings but should be cautious to not just repeat what has already been stated in the result and discussion.
      • The Recommendations section may include the author/s their suggestions for advanced researchers of opportunities for future research based on the findings in this study. They may suggest a new direction, new objectives, and/or new method for the conduct of similar study in the future. They may also suggest ways on how the problem or gaps identified in the study can be better addressed by the concerned authorities.
      • The References section should reflect the text citation for each reference and vice versa while following the APA 7th edition citation format in alphabetical order.

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